Minor fixes including image spacing

Thank you to two observant readers who pointed out a minor issue in the PDF at the end of Chapter 2. The dagger/potion spot art was covering up some of the text. It has been corrected and should look like the image above.

  • Interestingly, this issue did not appear in the press-ready PDF or in the test prints I received from the printer. My best guess is that upgrading to Affinity Publisher 2.6.0 caused some sort of spacing issue when I exported the documents for itch this week.
  • The good news is that the spacing and text frame issues have all been sorted out. New documents were exported, and uploaded.
  • If you already purchased and downloaded ADVENTURE! today, you'll want to grab the new PDFs.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send me an email at games@exeunt.press.


E.P. 💀

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